New office in Mumbai
Lumiker, a global leader in advanced subway cable monitoring solutions and passive photonic sensor technologies, takes a step in the […]
Lumiker, a leader in the development of passive photonic and fiber optic sensor technology and monitoring solutions, will coordinate the […]
Lumiker, specializing in critical asset monitoring, has developed an enhancement to its medium and high voltage underground cable monitoring product. […]
EMIMEP, the European Master for Industry in Microwave Electronics and Photonics formerly known as EMIMEO, will count with LUMIKER APLICACIONES […]
Lumiker production centre
Lumiker doesn’t stop. During the last few months we have participated in various events and activities related to advances in […]
La revista Industria Química recoge los últimos avances del proyecto AVOGADRO - The Industria Química Magazine covers the AVOGADRO project developments
The Chemical Industry Portal, in its July/August 2023 issue, publishes an extensive article about the AVOGADRO Project developments. An initiative […]
Impulsamos la transición: LUMIKER forma parte de Hydrogen Europe
LUMIKER has been a member of Hydrogen Europe for a while. As a part of this prestigious organization, we are […]
HAZITEK grant for the AMBOTO project
LUMIKER has received a new HAZITEK grant for the AMBOTO project. Its main objective is the development of a line […]
Subvención HAZITEK para el proyecto AINES
LUMIKER has received an HAZITEK funding for the AINES I project. An initiative for the creation of new optical monitoring […]
LUMIKER - AINES Project: Optical monitoring systems for electrical networks
LUMIKER has a grant from the support program from the Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI) program for the AINES II project, […]
LUMIKER has obtained two grants from the Hazitek program of the Basque Government for two of our technological projects. This […]
The Optic Fibre-Based Hydrogen Leak Control Systems project OPTHYCS has just been launched. Hydrogen has emerged as a required fuel […]
The website of the AVOGADRO project, an ADVANCED renewable gas HYDROGEN recharging system for mobility applications, is already up and […]
Plan 2i Lumiker
Lumiker has been ranted access to the 2i Plan for the Promotion of Innovation and Advanced Investment 2022 Program. An […]
Lumiker for electrical networks
LUMIKER will participate -together with the Energy Cluster, Barbara IoT, Alerion and UNICAN– in the AINES project for the development […]
Lumiker - Proyecto Avogadro - Hidrogenera de altas prestaciones. Integrantes del proyecto Avogadro
The AVOGADRO project is backed by the Basque Government and is aimed at helping the Basque Country gain international recognition […]
Lumiker: Enlit On the Road 2022
Last March, Lumiker took part in a new session of Enlit on the Road in Bilbao, where we talked about […]
Lumiker: EV Opticharger
During 2021, Lumiker has been awarded, in collaboration with the Basque Energy Cluster, and VELTIUM SMARTCHARGERS, an IBG project (Innovative […]
Lumiker: cables de fibra óptica
LUMIKER has been awarded the funding from the Basque Country SPRI, through its HAZITEK projects, to develop innovative and disruptive […]
Objective The main objective of this project is to design and develop precise optical amplification technology to reduce the number […]
EOMONIT BAST Through the Basque Government’s SPRI-HAZITEK Programme, LUMIKER has begun the development of an innovative system for structural health […]
Lumiker: Ferias Noviembre 2021
Lumiker will display its evolution in EOMONIT-our brand-new blade pitch and structural monitoring solution- in Copenhaguen and will showcase the progress in our Cable Advanced […]
During the session Lumiker will present its new product CAMOS 200 and other Optronic Market technological solutions for asset monitoring […]